Visual Artists Scheme

Eventinsure are the insurance providers to Visual Artists Ireland. VAI is the representative body for Visual Artists in Ireland and their members include all types of professional artists

Types of Insurance available include:
  • Public Liability up to €6,500,000 - read more

  • Employers Liability up to €13,000,000 - read more

  • Personal Accident - read more

  • Legal Expenses Cover & 24/7 helpline - read more

We can cover both individual events or exhibitions as a once off policy. We also provide annual cover for artists for the full scope of their annual work, such as providing public liability to cover them whilst hiring venues or exhibition spaces, whilst teaching or installing artworks and whilst simply engaging in creating their artwork pieces.

What you need to know about us:

Whilst many can say “we are the professionals”, the Event Insure team are genuinely experienced in dealing with The Arts, Events and with the concerns of artists.

Our policies are keenly rated and will extend cover in many instances upon request, because we know that the activities of artists don’t always fit in a box.

To get advice call us on 01 838 5604 or use our website chat facility.

You can get a quote immediately one of two ways: